Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Current

Today is a headache day.  Yesterday was a headache day and so was the day before and the day before.  Will tomorrow be?  I pray not.
Today my head hurts like it did yesterday.  It's a moment by moment thing.  I can have a headache one moment and not the next, but most moments I DO have a headache.  
What have I done within the last 24 hours to abort this giant, months long headache or prevent a headache?  I have not had any caffeine and have been caffeine free for over 4 years.  That seems to be a major trigger for me.  I have to request that doctors not put it in medications for me.  I increased my T*pamax (per my doctor's request) from 25 mg. to 50 mg.  Last night I had 2 glasses of white wine which seems to be one of the only things that really gives me relief, but, obviously, not a total solution EVER!  I only drink a glass of wine about twice a week at night after the kids go to bed.  This morning I drank 2 huge glasses of water and took two aspirin.  I have taken it relatively easy today, laying on the bed with my heated "bed buddy."  I haven't spent too much time on the computer with my neck straining.  And I've tried to eat somewhat regularly.
I DO NOT want this cup that I have been served!  My current "diagnosis" is "chronic migraines."  I do not receive this and want to have nothing to do with it.  I don't want to read about how to get rid of it, I don't want to alter my diet, I don't want to alter my lifestyle, my sleep schedule, my moods because of medication, etc.  I also don't want to have a headache every single day.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Well, my name is Lori, and I have headaches quite frequently.  Right now they are every day.  I am creating this blog to help me organize my thoughts about what helps, what days are good, what I have tried, what I have read that I want to try, etc.  It'll be good I promise!